Never too young to teach or too old to learn!

Samantha found out that an adult family friend, Amy, did not know how to ride a bicycle. She took it upon herself to write a lesson plan and teach Amy to ride. Samantha told Amy that it was important to learn to ride a bike because "then you are free." After Amy finished her lessons, Samantha presented her with a completion certificate, declaring her an official bicycle rider.

The ABC’s of the Pre-Ride Safety Check

Chances are good that your bike has been languishing in your garage/shed/living room during these last few soggy winter months. Now that it's Spring and Bike Month is upon us, it's time to do a safety check to make sure it's ready to roll. It's a good idea to perform the quick version of the …

Getting kids on bikes: the story of the Gastineau Bike Club

At Gastineau school, I noticed there were just a few kids who did bike to school. Though we had two bike racks, there were rarely more than two to three bikes in them daily. Each spring, I would ask students, “How many of you have bikes and go biking”? Not very many would raise their hands. And as their P.E. teacher, I would send home monthly calendars where students would log their weekly fitness activities. Few calendars would include biking.