As a bicycling legislator, JKT represents

Jonathan Kreiss-Tomkins

Jonathan Kreiss-Tomkins (a.k.a. JKT) is a representative for the 34th district in the Alaska State House, which encompasses many Southeast Alaska communities including Sitka, Hoonah, Kake, Klawock, and Craig. While the legislature is in session in Juneau, he often commutes to his office by bicycle.

Give Grease A Chance

In our wet Juneau environment, our bikes need a little more TLC than those ridden in dry weather. Regular maintenance involving cleaning, greasing and lubricating is important. Chains, cables, seat posts, nuts and bolts will show evidence of rust quickly unless we keep them lubed or greased. A quick rule of thumb is: if it …

Mountain Biking = Freedom: A Profile of Joe Sorenson

Riding always makes me feel like a little kid. There is a freedom and a lack of conformity that only a mountain bike brings. As I see it, riding my mountain bike is limited only by my imagination. I can be happy riding anywhere on my mountain bike. I have been known to ride for hours inside my garage on a cold winter’s day, just doing track stands or hopping over and around obstacles of shoes, tools, and dogs.

Never too young to teach or too old to learn!

Samantha found out that an adult family friend, Amy, did not know how to ride a bicycle. She took it upon herself to write a lesson plan and teach Amy to ride. Samantha told Amy that it was important to learn to ride a bike because "then you are free." After Amy finished her lessons, Samantha presented her with a completion certificate, declaring her an official bicycle rider.

Getting kids on bikes: the story of the Gastineau Bike Club

At Gastineau school, I noticed there were just a few kids who did bike to school. Though we had two bike racks, there were rarely more than two to three bikes in them daily. Each spring, I would ask students, “How many of you have bikes and go biking”? Not very many would raise their hands. And as their P.E. teacher, I would send home monthly calendars where students would log their weekly fitness activities. Few calendars would include biking.